Fresh Mushrooms

My outdoor Oyster mushroom is starting to flush after a long winter of waiting. I  now can call myself a mushroom cultivator! I knew the bed would be successful, but just like planting any perennial in the fall, you wait impatiently to watch it come to life in the spring. This bed was a combination of tree branches, fallen apples and garden waste. I inoculated it with spawn from Garden City Fungi (see link on homepage) as part of a Bioneers workshop Glenn Babcock, from Garden City Fungi, gave in October. (see other posts on workshops and cultivation) The bed did not need much care and there isn’t much money involved. The pictures tell the story.

Oyster Mushroom BedOyster Mushroom BedOyster Mushroom BedOyster Mushroom Bed

Oyster Mushroom Bed

I now will attempt to grow some other types of  mushrooms through the summer and follow their progress on this site. Thanks again to the folks at Garden City Fungi and The Bioneers for teaching me ways to grow Mushrooms!

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