Safety Considerations
Terms of Service
By using this website, you expressly acknowledge that foraging for and eating wild mushrooms are potentially dangerous activities that can result in serious injury, disability, or death.
You agree that the material on this site is presented for general informational and educational purposes only, and under no circumstances is to be considered a substitute for identification of an actual biological specimen by a person qualified to make that judgment.
You acknowledge that material and pictures posted here are the property of Montana Mushrooms.
You agree to hold harmless any and all individuals posting information or comments on this website.
Safety Information
If you think you have eaten a toxic or poisonous mushroom, you should immediately call the American Association of Poison Control Centers at 1-800-222-1222.
have these shrooms that look like field pinks but are all white. what are they.
Hello, and welcome to Montana Mushrooms!
That is really not enough information to ID mushrooms. Send some pictures to my email: or FB and I will help. Take a pic of the whole mushroom, including the base. A pic of the gills and of an unopened button cut lengthwise. All white mushrooms can be dangerous, especially if the gills are white and stay white.
Talk to you soon,
Hi Dean I was really curious if these mushrooms I picked were poisonous or not. I already sent you a few pics on gmail of what it looked like. If you need more pics just let me know! I really appreciate it! Thank you!
Just happened on your websight. Don,t know enough about it to make any judgment at this time. However I will take note of it. I it has to do with mushrooms I’ll probably like it.
The New York Mycological Society will be having its annual Morel Breakfast in 2 weeks. In the past I have been able to contribute local morels towards the breakfast. Not this year. Do you know where I can buy some Montana morels?
Do Chaqa Mushrooms grow on birch trees in Montana
Saw a short article on the large “puffball” type mushrooms that are wild in my yard. Someone asked if they were edible and I didn’t see the answer. Are they? Should I take a chance and pour a little Worcestershire on em?